In the small village of Likuya located in Tanzania, the people now experience the Bible as real and alive. Why? They now have some books of the Bible in their heart language, Ndendeule. In this beautiful village, the people can at last share their faith more freely within the church. They love family and community discussions about the Scriptures they have available in their language. This promotes fellowship in the community.
With a population estimated at 100,000, according to the 2000 census, the vast majority of Ndendeule speaking people identify as Muslim. 11 of the 15 local people who review the Ndendeule Bible translation, as translators’ complete books of the Bible, are Muslim. Having something written in their language thrills them, and they eagerly read the holy Scriptures. Even though the area is dominated by Islam, TWFTW workers have heard various testimonies of Muslims coming to Christ.

Young and old Ndendeule speakers are being touched by the Word. One young boy, who lives in Likuya exclaimed, ‘Me and my friend share the Bible with others!’
In contrast to the young boy, Maulidi Kimbunga, a 94-year-old Muslim man, received the Word of God in his mother tongue (Ndendeule). Blind and unable to read the Gospel of Mark given to him, he asked someone to read it to him. He and his whole family accepted Jesus as their Savior. He believed the Word and was miraculously healed from his blindness! Their local community was intrigued by this miracle. However, his aged body still lacked strength and wholeness.
A few days later in a dream, he saw a house with a beautiful door. Someone with a huge key opened the door for him, saying, “Welcome home!” He woke up feeling very sick but refused to allow his family to take him to the hospital. He told them, ‘My “safari” is coming to an end.’ He only asked them to take him outside the next morning to see the sunrise. The following morning after he watched the sunrise, he “walked through the open door” and into the celestial home that Christ had prepared for him. Since then the testimony of his life and faith has spread amongst the other Muslims in his community.
Even someone who encounters Christ late in life can affect many lives. Through Maulidi’s testimony, which has amazed his Muslim friends and family, and through reading the Scripture translated into Ndendeule, more Muslims in Tanzania have the opportunity to encounter Christ and be transformed by His Word!
With only 14% of the Ndendeule Bible completed, think how much more God can accomplish when his whole Word is accessible to this people. The Ndendeule people yearn for the day that they have their eyes opened to all that God has to show them about himself.