Having the Bible translated into the local language can lead to those on the translation team having the opportunity to preach the Word to their communities. One of the translators on the Alumu-Tesu Bible translation team used the recently drafted book of Matthew to preach to his people. The Gospel message touched many of the people. They kept asking for this message of Christ to continue to be spread throughout all of the Alumu-Tesu communities!

The translator noticed after the service that many people asked when they could receive their own Bible. Eager to receive the Word of God in their own language, they wish to read and hear what God wants to say to them.
A young man told him, “I wish that church services could always be conducted our language at all times because that will easily bring our people to Christ. And there is no point for our pastors to use any other language to conduct Sunday services in the community since we now have our Bible in our language that we understand. I had personally [shed] tears when a group of older women sang in their mother tongue during the mother tongue Sunday service. Indeed, they were moved by the Spirit of God as well as I was.”
An old man proclaimed, “I am delighted because God has remembered us.”
In the same Alumu-Tesu community, two old women told him, “We are happy today because we have heard the Word of our God in our language.”
During another church sermon using the Alumu-Tesu language, a woman confessed that “I am happy because God’s message has been preached to me in my language. From today onward, I will follow Jesus!”