Fruit of the Labor is Sweet in Korekore

Korekore Translation Project, Zimbabwe

Seeing people use the Word of God to edify others in their heart language encourages many villagers.

The people in the Mt Darwin area of Zimbabwe, speak Korekore where The Word for the World currently has an indigenous translation team working on the Korekore Bible translation. Translation work takes a toll on translators and their families. While the fruit of the labor is sweet and purpose-filled, the years of dedication to seeing the Word of God in a heart language requires commitment from translators and their families.

Reverend Takapera, one of the TWFTW Korekore translators, and his wife, Dadirai have made such a commitment to each other and the project. When asked how Dadirai copes with the long hours her husband works as the leader of the Korekore translation team, she said, ‘I accept the work that my husband is doing because it is helping the community, and also helping the family. With his important work of creating a written form for Korekore, which has not had any written language, he also will bring the Bible to our people. I am grateful and I say that it is good!’

Seeing people use the Word of God to edify others in their heart language encourages the translators and their families to continue to work hard at the translation project. The ability to use Bible verses in creative ways to help others receive Christ and memorize God’s Word also encourages the translation team. Music has a way of penetrating a person’s soul and connecting them to the Spirit. Many Christian songs and music have been penned, composed or derived from the Bible. Music forms an integral part of Christian life and there is no better source for this music than the Word of God itself, in the language that we understand most—our heart language!

Nisbert Chagoka, a Korekore speaking man, accepted Christ earlier this year! While the joy of salvation is fresh and burning inside of him, he still has much to learn about the Bible.

He says, ‘I’m feeling happy that I can use the Korekore Bible soon.’ He has a passion for music, and he has written several Christian songs which he composed himself in Korekore. He hopes to one-day record them so that many more of his people can feel the love of Christ through their heart language.

While the Korekore translation team works had on having a translation in written form for their people, the translators also understand the benefit of having access to other creative options to reach their people. The Jesus Film, which uses the Gospel of Luke to introduce people groups to the Word of God in their languages, is one of the first experiences many have with hearing the Gospel message.

A Korekore speaking man asked one of the translators if there was any book written in the Korekore language as yet. The translator answered, ‘No, not yet; but very soon we will be shooting the Jesus Film in our Korekore language. In the meantime, we need people who speak Korekore to speak for characters in the book of Luke for the film.’

After that, word about the Jesus Film quickly spread among the people, and many wanted to participate so that the Korekore people could see this film about following Jesus!

Because of this interest in the Korekore translation project, a wider variety of people are interested in helping with reviews and community testing of how the Scriptures sound to them. This community interest compels the translators to speed up the translation work so that the people can get the complete Bible in their heart language as soon as possible!

Published By The Word For The World