Bible Translation is Challenging but Rewarding

Gedeo Translation Project, Ethiopia

Reading the translation in my language [Gedeo], I receive so much joy!

The Word for the World (TWFTW) completed the Gedeo New Testament many years ago. The churches in the area expressed their need for the Gedeo Bible translation of the whole Bible. As a result of their request, the Gedeo Bible translation team started to finish the Old Testament. Currently, TWFTW has three Bible translators from multiple denominations in the area working on the project.

Many encouraging stories come from the people in the local village and the Bible translators. Teshome Mengesha, the team leader of the Bible translation project, says, “Bible translation is a challenging but rewarding task! Whenever I read the translation in my language [Gedeo], I receive so much joy and comfort. My people, the Gedeo community, they are longing to have the published Gedeo Bible.”

Published By The Word For The World