Proverbs 22:1

Support Bible translation and provide God's Word for the Minahasa cluster and three other highly sensitive language projects in Indonesia.

Join the Proverbs 22:1 campaign

Syella, who lived in the Minahasa Cluster region, always felt unloved. Even when she was married with children of her own, this concern persisted. And despite considering herself a Christian, she didn’t think that God could love her either. Then one day she participated in a Bible study and heard these words of Jesus in her own language: “I have loved you even as the Father has loved me. Remain in my love” (John 15:9, NLT). This reality washed over her, and tears filled her eyes. “There really is someone who loves me!” Syella exclaimed. Soon after, she and her entire family were baptized. Minahasa Cluster Bible translators are eager to see more people like Syella engage with the truths of Scripture. Join the Proverbs 22:1 campaign to come alongside Minahasa and three other highly sensitive projects! Your prayers and gifts towards the Proverbs 22:1 campaign will help all the language groups, including the Minahasa Cluster, experience the beauty of Scripture and gain a clearer picture of God's redemptive plan.

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