Pray for Bible Translation

Prayer Guide
A Journey Through Prayer
Journey with us in prayer for the Scripture translation movement. Meditate, reflect on and soak in the promises below.
Pray for those without God's Word in the language they understand best
When we pray for people to receive Scripture in their heart language for the first time, we experience our heavenly Father's joy (Luke 15:3-7). Ask our Father to speed up and empower the work of Bible translation in areas where languages exist without one verse of Scripture.

Pray for the global church
Ask that local church leaders and translators be raised up to initiate and pursue the goal of having God's Word in the language they understand best. For those that are anticipating the completion of translation projects, pray for daily engagement of the Scriptures and transformation of the communities.

Pray for the deaf
70 million people in the world use sign language to communicate on a daily basis. Yet 95% of the 400 unique sign languages have no Bible translation. Ask that through Deaf partner ministries, the doors of communication for the Deaf will be opened for those who have been marginalized (Isaiah 29:18).

Pray for the Bible translation movement
Ask God to use the power of divine unity among the Bible translation organizations to bring Scripture to every people group in the world in the language they understand best (2 Corinthians 1:21-22).