Hearing with an Open Heart

Borna Translation Project, Ethiopia

Hearing can change the community.

TWFTW gathers leaders in a community to review translated Scriptures. This review committee ensures the quality and the ability of the community to understand the translation. Shewa Woji, an evangelist who works in the Borna-speaking community of Ethiopia, serves on the Borna community Bible translation review committee.

Shewa strongly believes in using Scriptures translated into his mother tongue and uses Borna-translated Scriptures as often as he can. He testifies, “When I preach in our language [the Borna language], people hear with an open heart. It has brought a huge change to the community and their lives.”

Although many of the Borna people are Christians, they still need to hear God’s Word in a language that they fully comprehend. We can’t wait until the Borna Bible is completed and the people can have access to God’s Word in its entirety!

Published By The Word For The World

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